A 19th century Saccharimeter Polarimeter scientific instrument by Pellin. A saccharimeter is an instrument for measuring the concentration of sugar solutions.
This is commonly achieved using a measurement of refractive index (refractometer) or the angle of rotation of polarization of optically active sugars (polarimeter). The maker of the device was Philibert Francois Pellin (1847 - 1923). In 1885 it was the famous Jules Duboscq who started working together with Pellin, and 1 year later became the owner. Pellin published 11 technically different output catalogues. By turning the disc, the light is polarised through the glass tube which lies in the gutter is extinguished and for example can be used to measure the % of sugar content. At the end of the 19th century, there was a lot of demand from European doctors because it was now easy to measure the sugar % from urine.